CanadaAir Products have presented plans to build a large zero-emission hydrogen energy complex. The construction of the complex involves an investment of almost 1 billion euros.

Within Canada’s clean energy strategy, hydrogen is a key component in achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Fully aligned with that vision, Air Products began work on the new hydrogen energy complex in Edmonton in 2018. The first step is the construction of a zero-emission hydrogen production and liquefaction plant. The commissioning will be in 2024. The project is based on an innovative combination of established technologies.

Underground storage of CO2

The new facility will capture more than 95 percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from the natural gas feedstock. It then stores it safely underground. Electricity generated from hydrogen will offset the remaining five per cent of emissions. The clean energy complex will help refineries and petrochemical customers served by the Air Products Heartland Hydrogen Pipeline to reduce their carbon emissions.

The complex also marks a first in the wider use of hydrogen in Alberta. Liquid hydrogen can be used as an emission-free fuel in the transportation sector. Its production generates clean electricity. This will have a positive effect on reducing Alberta’s CO2 emissions.

Air Products is also considering further investments in both existing and new hydrogen facilities in Alberta and across Canada. The company selected the Edmonton project site for strategic reasons. It enables expansion of the energy complex, including replication of net-zero hydrogen production facilities to meet growing demand. Air Products’ existing Heartland Hydrogen Pipeline network is prepared for further growth and can more than triple current volumes.

1,500 tonnes of hydrogen per day

Air Products expects to produce more than 1,500 tonnes of hydrogen per day in Alberta and capture more than three million tonnes of CO2 per year. Initially, Air Products will build, manage and operate a new grid-zero complex.

An auto-Thermal Reformer (ATR) hydrogen production facility, produces the hydrogen. Featuring Haldor Topsoe technology, the ATR will be build on a large project site in Edmonton with room for expansion.

The complex will also host carbon capture technology that will capture 95 per cent of the complex’s CO2. The CO2 will be permanently stored through the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line, which is wholly owned and operated by Wolf Carbon Solutions.

An electricity facility powered by hydrogen, including NovaLT16 turbines supplied by Baker Hughes, will produce clean electricity for the entire facility and export it to the grid. This will offset the five per cent remaining CO2 to bring the hydrogen facility to net-zero.

Als part of the investment is a hydrogen liquefaction plant with a capacity of 30 tonnes per day, designed by Air Products. As well as an air separation plant designed by Air Products to support ATR operations and produce clean liquid oxygen and nitrogen for the commercial industrial gas market.

Thee plant gets a connection to Air Products’ existing Alberta Heartland Hydrogen Pipeline network for improved reliability and phased decarbonisation of the entire network.