Germany Global Energy Ventures has signed an agreement with German ILF Beratend Ingenieure (ILF Consulting Engineers) to find and develop green hydrogen projects in Europe and Australia.

The development of the hydrogen projects will include GEV’s C-H2 shipping solution. The parties will collaborate and investigate sustainable project options in Europe and Australia involving the whole hydrogen value chain, utilizing GEV’s C-H2 ship and supply network. The MOU is effective through December 31, 2022, and it can be extended by mutual consent.

ILF will design the infrastructure from the producer to the export or loading facility, as well as the downstream infrastructure from the import or unloading facility to the customer, while GEV will handle the port-to-port shipping of hydrogen. GEV has recognized an opportunity to utilize its offshore loading capacity and target a C-H2 solution for the offshore wind industry for project prospects that include the import of hydrogen from regional markets near to Europe, such as the Middle East and North Africa region.

The EU Hydrogen Strategy’s goal in 2030 is for the EU to have 40 GW of its own green hydrogen production capacity and the potential for the import of another 40 GW from outside of the EU to meet net zero targets in 2050.