Sweden Ovako is forming a partnership with the Volvo Group, Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden, H2 Green Steel, and Nel Hydrogen to invest in hydrogen production at Hofors,

Sweden’s largest fossil-free hydrogen facility is now under construction, with the purpose of significantly lowering CO2 emissions, developing local industrial hydrogen production, and laying the groundwork for future hydrogen infrastructure in the transportation sector.

Climate-neutral steel production

The new hydrogen plant in Hofors will make Ovako the first company in the world to heat steel with hydrogen prior to rolling, marking the company’s next big step toward carbon-neutral steel production. The technological approach will also enable large-scale and cost-effective hydrogen production for uses such as fossil-free freight via fuel-cell trucks. With several installations, this might create a network of locally produced fossil-free hydrogen for the transportation industry.

Swedish-Norwegian collaboration

Ovako is now establishing relationships with a number of significant players in the Swedish and Norwegian industries. The Swedish Energy Agency also supports the program, which has the common goal of developing industry-wide use of fossil-free hydrogen, raising knowledge of its potential, and ensuring cost-effective production. Along with the hydrogen plant, a filling station for hydrogen-powered heavy trucks is planned.

Fossil-free hydrogen

This technological approach replaces fossil fuels by supplying high-temperature processes in steel production with fossil-free hydrogen and oxygen. Because the steel sector requires more oxygen than hydrogen, there are good potential for cost-effective and large-scale usage of hydrogen in other industries, such as fossil-free freight with fuel cell vehicles. The technology is adaptable and can thus contribute to increased electrical grid stability, allowing for a bigger proportion of renewable energy sources. Additionally, leftover heat can be used in district heating networks.