Spain Cummins has joined Iberdrola to reveal its plans for one of the world’s largest electrolyzer plants for the production of green hydrogen to be located in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

This investment in Spain comes on the heels of Iberdrola and Cummins’ decision to partner together on large-scale hydrogen production projects in Spain and Portugal.

New electrolyzer plant

Cummins is now conducting a site selection search in the Guadalajara area of Castilla-La Mancha for its new €50 million PEM electrolyzer factory, which will contain system assembly and testing for about 500 MW/year and will be scalable to more than 1 GW/year. The facility, which will initially be 22,000 square meters in size, is expected to open in 2023 and will create 350 additional jobs as production ramps up.

Cummins and Iberdrola partnership

As part of this collaboration, Iberdrola’s 230-MW green hydrogen project in Palos de la Frontera (Huelva, Andalusia, Spain) for major fertilizer company Fertiberia will serve as a model for big electrolysis projects. Cummins will supply the electrolyzers for the Palos project, and Iberdrola and Cummins will collaborate in the design of big electrolysis projects as a result of their project expertise. Cummins and Iberdrola are also collaborating on a hydrogen refueling station in Barcelona, Spain, with potential partnership and larger collaboration potential in the future.