Turkey – Biotrend Energy will use Honeywell’s UpCycle Process Technology in its planned plastics recycling operation in Turkey.

Through the facility’s conversion of mixed waste plastics into recycled polymer feedstock (RPF), a circular economy for plastics can be created. When finished, it will use Honeywell’s UpCycle Process Technology, making it Turkey’s first commercially viable facility for recovering waste plastics.

The anticipated advanced recycling facility will be able to use Honeywell’s UpCycle Process Technology to convert 30,000 metric tons of mixed waste plastics annually into Honeywell Recycled Polymer Feedstock. During the plant’s lifetime, Honeywell UOP will offer relevant engineering and technical services, such as starting, commissioning, and technical support.

Partnership start

With the intention of working together on numerous, further waste plastic recycling facilities in the future, this project marks the beginning of Honeywell and Biotrend Energy’s collaboration on advanced plastics recycling in Turkey.

Biotrend can currently only recover a small portion of mechanically recycled materials. Additionally, some forms of plastic trash cannot be mechanically recycled because of process restrictions brought on by contaminants, colors, and additives used in the manufacture of plastic. Currently, plastics that cannot be mechanically recycled are either held in landfills or turned into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF).

A greater variety of waste plastics can be processed via chemical recycling, such as that found in the Honeywell UpCycle Process Technology, supporting Biotrend’s efforts to boost the volume of circular materials recovered.