Norway –  The Research Council of Norway unveiled plans to invest 180 MNOK in the establishment of a ground-breaking research centre, known as gigaCCS, dedicated to carbon capture, transport, and storage (CCS) technology.  

With an eight-year timeline spanning from 2025 to 2032, gigaCCS aims to build upon the successes of its predecessor, NCCS, to drive frontier research, foster innovation, and cultivate a new generation of CCS specialists.

By fostering collaboration between 43 R&D and industry partners, along with over 30 associated partners, gigaCCS ensures its research remains pertinent and impactful. The Norwegian R&D partners include the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Oslo (UiO), NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), the University in Bergen (UiB) and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). This collaborative approach accelerates the translation of laboratory innovations into real-world applications, bolstering Norway’s competitive edge in global markets.

Shortly after the award of the centre, Norway signed a memorandum of understanding on CO2 transport and storage with Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands.