Norway – Aker Carbon Capture and Carbfix have expanded their collaboration to investigate comprehensive carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chains in the global fight against climate change.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is non-exclusive and has a two-year lifespan. The two Nordic industry leaders want to collaborate on point source CO2 collection and storage quantities between 100,000 and 1,000,000 t/y, particularly from challenging industries like cement, gas-to-power, and waste-to-energy. In order to apply the Carbfix technique, CO2 must be dissolved in water and injected into porous basaltic stone formations. Within two years, natural processes will cause the CO2 to create stable carbonate minerals.

Expanding collaboration

Both businesses teamed up with Elkem Iceland in July 2021 to embark on a ground-breaking project to reduce CO2 emissions from Elkem Iceland’s ferrosilicon factory by carbon sequestration and mineral storage in basalt structures. As part of their shared strategic emphasis areas, point source emissions and CO2 hub projects in Europe and North America, Aker Carbon Capture and Carbfix are now expanding their collaboration. At Elkem’s smelting facility in Rana, Norway, Aker Carbon Capture and Elkem are presently testing carbon capture as well.