The Netherlands – Samskip recently started a brand-new, ground-breaking project that will lower CO2 emissions from its ships.

The smart and environmentally friendly Carbon Capture and Utilization system from Samskip catches 30% of the CO2 emissions from combustion engines in real time and stores it in transportable batteries.

Then, these batteries can be provided to companies that use CO2, such agricultural clients and greenhouses, which at the moment employ gas-powered equipment to produce the CO2 required to accelerate the growth of their products. By eliminating the requirement for the gas-powered equipment and using the CO2 gathered instantly, the need for natural gas is reduced.

Sustainability solutions

Samskip’s dedication to environmentally friendly solutions is demonstrated by the recent installation of its first CO2 exhaust gas cleaning system on one of its short-sea vessels, which was done while the vessel was parked at shipyard Royal Niestern Sander.