Italy – The innovative Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFC) technology for Carbon Capture (CC) in shipping, according to RINA, has met the CO2 reduction goals set by Ecospray at the start of the project.

The system, created by Ecospray, employs fossil LNG or bio-LNG to power its MCFC technology, which can also run on hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia. However, this technology’s utilization of CO2, whether neutral or negative, is a benefit.

With the use of this technology, which Ecospray introduced in June 2022, CO2 may be captured as electricity is being produced. As a result, in the context of the energy transition, these technologies are seen as strategic.

The analysis

A 500kW MCFC cell fed with “super bio-LNG” can reduce the CO2 equivalent emissions of a 10 MW engine by 20%, according to an analysis done by Ecospray in conjunction with Genoa’s Department of Civil, Chemical, and Environmental Engineering.

The procedure combines the benefits of using a bio-LNG that has had its CO2 captured with the high-efficiency and carbon-negative power generation capabilities of the system known as a “MCFC fuel cell with the CO2 capturing feature,” a unique property of this particular type of fuel cell made possible by its unique electrochemical composition.