Germany – Bremen is being chosen as the location for a carbon dioxide transshipment hub by CO2 Management, which intends to use the CO2 for further processing or geological storage.

Hard-to-abate industries will benefit from the project’s ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus help meet climate protection targets.
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere is critical to achieving the 2015 climate goals agreed to in Paris. CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage) is an innovative solution that is currently being researched and developed in numerous projects, in addition to the pressing need to rapidly scale up renewable energy production. Capturing CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere and then reusing or storing it underground to avoid harming the environment is the goal.

Ideal location

The company CO2 Management has signed a letter of intent with bremenports GmbH & Co. KG to establish a carbon dioxide handling facility in Bremen as the next step in a large-scale implementation of this technology. There has never been a facility of this type in Germany before. Liquid gas would be collected from various industrial sites for further use, or it could be loaded onto ships and exported to long-term storage.

Bremen’s location is ideal for the planned hub because of its proximity to German industry and the numerous European offshore CO2 storage facilities currently being developed. It is the responsibility of bremenports to assess the land potential of Bremen’s ports and to positively support the required planning and coordination processes.