Italy – Air Liquide and Eni have formed a partnership to evaluate decarbonization solutions in the Mediterranean region of Europe, with a focus on difficult-to-abate industrial sectors.

The two companies join forces to enable CO2 capture, aggregation, transport, and permanent storage by combining their well-established expertise and know-how.

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is one of the most important tools in the decarbonization process, especially for the most carbon-intensive industrial sectors, and it will be critical in meeting the Green Deal’s important emission reduction targets.

Large-scale CCS

Air Liquide and Eni will collaborate under the terms of the agreement to identify clusters of difficult-to-abate industries in this geographic area and to define the best possible configuration for developing a large-scale CCS program.

Air Liquide will develop competitive CO2 abatement solutions in particular, leveraging its ongoing CCS initiatives in Northern Europe as well as its innovative proprietary technology Cryocap, which can capture up to 95% of CO2 emissions from industrial facilities. Eni will identify the most suitable permanent CO2 storage locations in the Mediterranean Sea, based on its experience in gas field exploitation and management.