France – Technip Energies and Svante have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the advancement of Svante’s solid sorbent carbon capture technology and the provision of integrated solutions from idea to project delivery.

The partnership will identify opportunities in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Russian Federation markets for end Clients to select Svante’s technology for industrial carbon capture projects in sectors such as cement and limestone, blue hydrogen, refineries, petrochemicals, steel, ammonia, and pulp and paper. The collaboration will be global in scope and will focus on blue hydrogen plants powered by Technip Energies’ Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) technology.

Svante’s solid sorbent technology will be used to directly extract carbon from industrial post-combustion flue gases as a non-intrusive “end-of-the-pipe” option for producing pipeline-grade carbon dioxide. Svante’s ground-breaking net-zero technology catches carbon dioxide, concentrates it, and safely releases it for storage or industrial application in less than 60 seconds, all through the use of proprietary active capture nanomaterials called “solid sorbent filters.”

Both firms plan to address the crucial need for lowering the capital cost of carbon dioxide capture from industrial output in order to reach the world’s net-zero carbon targets necessary to stabilize the climate through this collaboration. Industry, financial, and government leaders concur on the magnitude of the challenge and the crucial need to construct over 2,000 carbon capture and removal plants by 2040. This is the equivalent of putting around two plants into operation each week for the next two decades.