Sweden Power to Liquid company Liquid Wind is developing its first commercial-scale eMethanol facility in Sweden. An expert consortium is assembled to achieve the project, consisting of Siemens Energy, Haldor Topsøe, Axpo, COWI, Carbon Clean Solutions and Nel Hydrogen. The consortium will combine its expertise and technology to produce liquid, carbon-neutral fuel.

The facility will utilize local industry waste to capture CO₂ and renewable electricity to catalyze water into green hydrogen. With leading electrolyzer technology, 1,1 tons of hydrogen will be produced per hour. Liquid Wind’s circular philosophy is to capture the eMethanol fuel emissions to convert them back into fuel therefore closing the carbon loop.


Liquid Wind’s facility will be constructed on Övik Energi’s Hörneborgsverket site, minimizing the distance of transportation for shared resources. Using efficient carbon capture technology and solvents, Liquid Wind will capture and concentrate CO2 from Övik Energi’s emissions. In the Liquid Wind facility, green hydrogen will be produced from renewable electricity and water. This hydrogen will then be combined with the captured CO2 in a reactor to form methanol. The two facilities will also exchange steam and waste heat to maximise resources and efficiency.


The eMethanol will be produced in large volumes – 50,000 tons per year – and will be suitable as e-fuel for marine and road transport. By upcycling 70,000 tons of CO₂, each flagship facility enables a reduction of 100,000 tons of carbon emissions, by replacing fossil fuels.

Sweden first

The consortium is now designing  the technology integration for the first facility, in Sweden. Expecting to be supplying eMethanol from 2024. Each facility will produce 50,000 tonnes of carbon neutral fuel per year, enabling a reduction of 90,000 tonnes of CO2. The long-term collaboration will result in a standardised eMethanol facility blueprint, captured as a ‘digital twin’, for efficient replication. Liquid Wind and the Consortium intend to develop six facilities across Scandinavia by 2030, the concept will then be scaled and licensed internationally.


Axpo Nordic AS will handle power supply to the facility, this includes balance responsibility, intra-day optimization and long-term fix-price supply for power. Carbon Clean Solutions offers low-cost carbon dioxide capture technology. Consulting group COWI will support the Consortium with Project Management and Engineering. Haldor Topsoe will contribute its methanol process, hardware and catalysts to the Liquid Wind consortium.