IndiaDastur International, along with its affiliate Dastur Energy and M. N. Dastur & Co, Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions and the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) at the University of Texas in Austin, has been chosen to carry out the design and feasibility of India’s largest industrial carbon capture and utilization (CCUS) project at the 13.7 million tons per year Koyali refinery of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL).

IOCL is India’s largest refiner and runs 11 of the country’s 23 refineries. The refinery in Koyali, near Vadodara, is its flagship refinery and has the capacity to capture more than 5000 tons a day or more than 1.5 million tons of CO2 a year for large-scale EOR operations. The CO2 captured from its hydrogen generation units will be used mainly for EOR at the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) oilfield in Gandhar, Gujarat, near Koyali.

The project will explore the technological viability, economic cost and feasibility of capturing CO2; establish technical requirements, designs and plans; evaluate and define the necessary permissions and permits; and assess the environmental benefits of the CCUS project. In addition to EOR and food and beverage uses, various potential applications for CO2 capture would be explored in order to make the project physically and economically feasible.

USTDA funded

The project is financed by the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) as part of its effort to support sustainable infrastructure development and economic growth in partner countries such as India.

Dastur will draw on the intellectual property and expertise of its Austin, TX-based subsidiary Dastur Energy in the fields of energy engineering, carbon capture, EOR, energy supply chains, energy economics, and low-carbon fuels for the design and design of this plant.