France – European Commission has given green light to €900 million French scheme aimed at bolstering the production of renewable hydrogen and biomass based fuels.

The approved scheme, operating under the State Aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, is designed to incentivize companies to invest in the utilization of biomass and renewable hydrogen for energy and fuel production. By facilitating the transition towards renewable sources, France aims to accelerate the shift towards a net-zero economy while reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

The scheme encompasses the production of heat and fuels from biomass, including synthetic gas and biochar, for industrial processes, along with the development of liquid fuels from biomass and renewable hydrogen for both industrial applications and transport. Direct grants will cover a portion of the eligible investment costs, incentivizing the adoption of sustainable practices.

EU compliance

The European Commission’s approval of the French scheme underscores its alignment with EU objectives and regulations. By adhering to the conditions outlined in the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, France demonstrates its commitment to accelerating the green transition and fostering the development of key economic sectors critical to achieving sustainability goals.