Italy – Dutch Fugro has been entrusted with a monumental task by the Italian government: mapping the coastal habitats of the entire Italian coast.

This endeavor is part of the Marine Ecosystem Restoration (MER) project, an initiative aimed at restoring marine habitats and bolstering Italy’s resilience against environmental challenges. The MER Project seeks to revitalize marine habitats, enhance the monitoring of marine and coastal ecosystems, and comprehensively map coastal and marine habitats. Specifically, the project targets the restoration of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows, vital components of Italy’s coastal biodiversity.

Comprehensive mapping

Fugro, in collaboration with Compagnia Generale Ripreseaeree (CGR), will fulfill the mapping component of the MER Project. This includes airborne lidar and imagery, airborne gravimetry, satellite sensors, vessel-based multibeam technology, and the use of autonomous underwater vehicles.

The data collected through Fugro’s mapping efforts will be managed using VirGeo, a cloud-based Geo-data engagement platform. This wealth of information will facilitate informed decision-making by local authorities, enabling effective protection and conservation measures for Italy’s coastal marine habitats. By safeguarding marine biodiversity, the MER Project aims to foster a sustainable future for Italy’s marine heritage. The project is supported by the European Union’s Next Generation EU program.