EIES23 – In Dutch Zeeland, starter Betaprocess wants to produce bioethanol from sugar beets Not via an intermediate step with sugar, but directly with an innovative technology. For a demonstration plant and a first of a kind industrial-scale plant, the company is looking for an operational partner and funding, at the Dragons’ Den of Transition on Dec. 8, 2023 in Antwerp.


Betaprocess processes a sugar beet in its entirety by exploding the cells of the sugar beet via vacuum extrusion. Because the cell walls pop open, the sugars are immediately exposed, after which microorganisms can immediately start working with them. In this way, fermentation is faster and more efficient. The result is a higher yield compared to the traditional method that first processes the beets into sugar. Moreover, the process takes place under low pressure and at low temperatures, so it consumes less energy.

Follow-up projects

In 2015, Betaprocess won the Dutch Northern Enlightenmentz election. Now it is looking for the final funding for the project, but talks about possible follow-up projects the company is certainly not shying away from.


Join us at the Industry and Energy Summit 2023 (EIES23) in Antwerp on December 7th and 8th, where top decision-makers and experts come together to tackle the complex challenges of the industrial transformation to zero emissions.

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