The Netherlands – On the GETEC facility in Emmen, Paques Biomaterials can begin building the pilot installation for biopolymer (PHA) extraction. The installation’s fundamental engineering has just been finished.

The installation’s fundamental engineering was completed by Vicoma Consultancy & Engineering. The construction is the responsibility of Eekels Technology. For more than ten years, Paques Biomaterials has been developing a new chain in which microorganisms in organic residual flows manufacture the biopolymer PHA. PHA is a promising biopolymer since it is created by nature and decomposes entirely there as well.


Paques Biomaterials has been operating a test installation for this procedure at HVC in Dordrecht for the past two years. The PHA2USE project served as the backdrop for these experiments. There, wastewater is used to produce biomass that is high in PHA. The PHA is then removed from this, creating a pure and superior biopolymer that was given the name Caleyda. The extraction pilot plant for Paques Biomaterials has now been completed. Caleyda must be produced in batches by Paques Biomaterials in order for customers to begin testing it for various applications.


The adaptability of the pilot plant makes any modifications simple to incorporate. The last stage before constructing a large-scale extraction facility is the pilot installation. This will be able to produce 6 kilotons of material annually. For the purpose of constructing this installation, Paques Biomaterials has an option on a three-hectare plot in GETEC.PARK Emmen.

The presence of experts in the circular economy, as well as in the creation and use of biopolymers, is one of this location’s key benefits. Paques Biomaterials receives assistance from Senbis Polymer Innovations in Caleyda application optimization.