United States – Mote has secured a substantial grant of $1.2 million from key players like the US Forest Service, the California Department of Conservation, and the California Department of Forestry (CAL FIRE) to establish its second biomass to hydrogen and carbon sequestration plant.

In a strategic partnership with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Mote is set to make significant strides in the clean energy landscape. The primary objective of this ambitious initiative is two-fold: to produce approximately 21,000 metric tons per year of carbon-negative hydrogen and sequester over 450,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. These remarkable numbers translate to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, akin to taking more than 100,000 cars off the road each year.

Hydrogen solution

At the heart of Mote’s technology is its carbon-negative hydrogen solution. Unlike conventional hydrogen projects, Mote’s approach doesn’t just focus on hydrogen production; it integrates carbon capture and geological sequestration methods to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, creating a truly sustainable cycle.

Through gasification and a unique integration of proven technology, Mote processes woody waste from various sources, including farms, forestry, and urban areas. The resulting hydrogen is produced at a remarkably low carbon intensity score of -150 gCO2/MJ. Notably, Mote’s technology stands out by placing a strong emphasis on carbon removal and storage, setting it apart from other clean hydrogen endeavors.