The Netherlands – The Port of Rotterdam and GIDARA Energy have announced the location of GIDARA’s next advanced biofuels facility, Advanced Methanol Rotterdam (AMR), in the Netherlands.

The plant, which will be located in the Port of Rotterdam, will convert non-recyclable waste into advanced methanol. The advanced methanol meets the requirements of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) and the Fit-for-55 frameworks for CO2 emission reductions. The renewable fuel will take the place of fossil fuels, resulting in significant reductions in carbon emissions. The Port of Rotterdam Authority has provided this facility with a unique site location within the port.

Converting waste to renewables

Advanced Methanol Amsterdam, a renewable fuels facility that will serve as a model for AMR, was announced by GIDARA Energy last year. GIDARA’s patented High-Temperature Winkler (HTW) technology, which converts non-recyclable waste to renewable fuels, will be used in both facilities. Four other waste-to-clean syngas production facilities have used this technology commercially.

By converting 180,000 tons of local non-recyclable waste that is currently being incinerated, Advanced Methanol Rotterdam will achieve a reduction of 350,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per year, producing approximately 90,000 tons of renewable methanol annually.

All side streams from the AMR facility’s conversion process will be used to capture CO2 and deliver it to local greenhouses; bottom product residue will be used for cement production; and other streams, such as ammonia and salts, will be sold and used as feedstock for other industries and road salt, respectively, creating a circular concept.

When a permit is received, the facility will begin detail engineering and construction in the first half of 2023, and renewable methanol production will begin in 2025.

CO2 neutral in 2050

The AMR 8,5-hectare site is strategically located in the Botlek area of the Port of Rotterdam, near feedstock providers, storage terminals, and other businesses. The facility’s location was chosen to allow for a close proximity to an integrated product value chain.

The Port of Rotterdam’s strategy is to help existing industries reduce their carbon footprint while also attracting new businesses that will contribute to the Port Authority’s goal of becoming a CO2 neutral port and industrial complex by 2050.

Advanced Methanol

Advanced methanol is a versatile renewable transportation fuel that can be used in a variety of industries, including road transportation, marine transportation, and aviation, to help these industries reduce carbon emissions and become more sustainable.

FinCo Fuel Group, a large network of sales companies that includes Gulf Bunkering, GoodFuels, Licorne Fuel, Dalergy Group, and Gulf Netherlands, will be one of the main off-takers of the AMR facility. FinCo is a major player in delivering various low-carbon energy carriers to road and marine clients, with offices in the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland.