United States/Europe – An agreement between Bunker Holding Group and Renewable Energy Group (REG) has been reached for the development of sustainable marine bio-based diesel markets in the United States and Europe.

Bunker Holding and REG’s combined expertise in bio-based diesel and global reach will help the shipping industry transition to more sustainable energy sources. Initial trials of B20 and B30 are taking place in high-traffic areas of North America and Europe, where this collaboration agreement is focused.

Sustainable fuels

This agreement demonstrates REG’s commitment to a cleaner world and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by extending its product offerings into the 70 billion gallon, or 230 million metric tons, global marine market. Using REG biodiesel can help companies meet sustainability goals without the need for major equipment modifications or technology investments in a variety of sectors, including transportation by road, sea, and rail.

Another step forward in Bunker Holding’s mission to provide responsible and innovative solutions to all aspects in bunkering has been taken with this new partnership. As a result of REG and Bunker Holding’s partnership, REG will be able to expand its existing alternative fuel portfolio and offer sustainable fuels to shipping companies around the world.