Europe Montauk Renewables has signed an agreement to sell a portion of its Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) production as a feedstock to make fuel for the European market.

Beginning July 2021, the company will sell approximately 900,000 MMBtu annually of is production, currently monetized under an expiring domestic floor-price agreement, to Iogen RC Fuels under a new 4.5 year fixed-price agreement to make vehicle fuel to serve the European market.

Long-term agreement

Montauk’s ability to enter into this agreement was due to being selected through an October 2020 RFP award for a portion of its RNG production based on then current pricing of RNG and attribute model trends at the time of bid. The award was contingent on registration of proposed production facilities under the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), an international certification system covering a multitude of bio-based feedstocks and renewables catering to energy, food, feed, and chemical sectors. Montauk earlier registered three of its RNG production facilities who’s production may be now used to meet mandatory targets for the use of renewable energy in transport under the European Union Renewable Energy Directive.

This long-term agreement monetizes approximately a quarter of the total Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) that the company currently produces to further diversify monetization strategy beyond domestic attribute markets such as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) while ensuring the continuation of the remainder of Montauk’s existing fixed-price portfolio and emphasizes the commitment to the environmentally sustainable production and utilization of renewable natural gas.