Poland The Nordex Group has once again scored new orders in Poland.

For two projects totaling 70.9 MW, the Nordex Group is supplying 20 N117/3600 turbines. Both orders which the Nordex Group received end of September also include a Premium Service for the maintenance and servicing of the turbines over a period of 15 years and the option to extend this twice by five years.

The Nordex Group will supply and install eleven of the turbines in the 38.5 MW “Liskowo” wind farm in northern Poland. The customer, the Danish project developer European Energy, has ordered for its sixth wind farm in the country the N117/3600 turbines on tubular steel towers with 134 meters hub heights. For the Nordex Group it is a premiere to supply the N117/3600 turbines on tubular steel towers with this hub height.

The Nordex Group is supplying the other nine turbines for a further 32.4 MW wind farm also located in northern Poland. All turbines will be delivered and installed in mid-2022. Commissioning is scheduled for the beginning of 2023.