Germany – VNG AG and Salzgitter AG will collaborate to examine hydrogen supply options and the resulting carbon footprint for steel production at Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH’s steelworks in Lower Saxony.

The collaboration’s goal is to finish a research on delivering hydrogen to the Salzgitter manufacturing plant. The analysis will cover electrolyzer possibilities as well as a supply of non-pipeline hydrogen derivatives such as ammoniac or methanol that can be employed as partial energy sources during a transition phase. The emphasis is also on the long-term link to a supraregional hydrogen grid that is already planned for delivering hydrogen on a massive scale from various producing regions and projects to the location.

Feasibility studies

Salzgitter and VNG are continuing their successful collaboration and establishing the specifics on the topic of hydrogen in the joint feasibility study. Both firms announced a green gas collaboration in the summer of 2020. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed at this time, and two feasibility studies on climate-compatible hydrogen supply and transporting hydrogen have already been completed.