Germany – The first hybrid project, comprising a solar system and battery storage, has been linked to the grid in Büttel, Schleswig-Holstein, by Hamburg-based photovoltaic developer Enerparc.

In September 2020, the Federal Network Agency’s innovation tender round resulted in the project being given a contract.

The 8 megawatt-hour battery constructed in the 35 megawatt Büttel solar park can be charged and discharged using more than 12 megawatts of power. One of the largest batteries ever erected in conjunction with a ground-mounted solar plant in Germany, the battery system is housed in six 40-foot shipping containers. So, the battery’s capacity roughly equates to the amount of consumption required by a family of four over the course of two years.

Storing during peaks

A large-scale storage battery has the benefit of being able to store yield peaks around midday and release them at night or in the morning. This makes it possible for a more consistent feed-in throughout the day and lessens the load on the grid. But, huge industries and other consumers of power purchase agreements are also interested in this element, in addition to grid operators.

In April 2022, a power purchase agreement (PPA) was finalised for this hybrid plant in Büttel, as reported by Enerparc. The PPA was reached with Axpo Deutschland and provides the buyer with a baseload band. Sunnic Lighthouse GmbH, Enerparc’s trading company, is in charge of structuring the volatile feed-in.