The Netherlands – Shell, ENGIE, Vopak, and Anthony Veder have agreed to collaborate on the development of a hydrogen chain from Sines to Rotterdam.

The plan is to start manufacturing hydrogen in Portugal and ship it to Rotterdam in liquid form.

The project is supported by REN, Port of Sines, Port of Rotterdam Authority, Gasunie, and ABN AMRO. The first hydrogen will be delivered in 2028. The plan is to use it as fuel for large vehicles.

Feasibility study

In July 2022, the businesses agreed to work together to determine if it would be feasible to produce, liquefy, and ship green hydrogen from Portugal to the Netherlands, where it would be kept in storage and made available for sale.

The consortium wants to electrolyze hydrogen using renewable energy at the Sines port’s industrial zone. The hydrogen is then liquefied and transported to the port of Rotterdam through a liquid hydrogen carrier for distribution and sale.