United States – Plug Power and Olin Corporation formed a joint venture to begin construction of a 15-ton per day hydrogen facility in St. Gabriel, Louisiana.

By promoting green hydrogen supply dependability and speed to market across North America, the two companies’ joint venture, Hidrogenii, will create the framework for future collaboration.

The collaboration brings together Plug, the company in charge of the entire green hydrogen ecosystem, and Olin, the largest producer of electrolytic hydrogen in North America. Olin will provide consistent hydrogen supplies and operating expertise, and Plug will serve as the joint venture’s sole marketer and aid with delivery logistics.


The municipal and state governments will provide the factory tax benefits. The construction of the factory will result in the creation of 160 jobs in 2022 and 215 jobs in 2023. After that, the plant is expected to bring more than 25 full-time, permanent jobs to Louisiana.

The Louisiana plant is the most recent facility to be added to Plug’s growing network of hydrogen production facilities around the US, which also includes those that are now being built or planned in New York, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, and California. By 2025, Plug estimates that 500 tons of liquid green hydrogen will be produced each day, reducing the emission of 4.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in North America. By 2028, Plug plans to produce 1,000 tons per day of liquid green hydrogen.