The Netherlands – The national green hydrogen production goals should be more than doubled, opening up a lot of opportunity for green hydrogen producers and their suppliers, according to the Dutch ruling parties VVD and D66.

The Dutch Climate Agreement set a goal of 4 gigawatts of power from green hydrogen generation by 2030 in 2019. They are now asking for an increase to 8 gigawatts. This has occurred as a result of increased energy prices, the closing of the Groningen gas fields, and a decision to stop importing Russian gas.

Move to green hydrogen

The Dutch government contributed €15 million for the transition to renewable energy in the Coalition Agreement for 2022. In order to stimulate the production and use of green hydrogen, the two sides agree that government subsidies should be initially made accessible to enterprises, with the goal that the sector will eventually become economically feasible for private businesses. In their perfect scenario, sustainable fuel would be used first in heavy industry and the transportation sector, which includes inland shipping.

Additionally, they recognize the need for imported green hydrogen. VVD and D66 claim that due to its great potential for producing wind energy in the North Sea and its current gas infrastructure, the Netherlands is perfectly prepared for a move to green hydrogen.

A number of opportunities exist for American producers of green hydrogen produced in the United States as well as American suppliers of technology, equipment, and experience for the production of offshore wind energy as a result of the growth in the consumption and production of green energy in the Netherlands.