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How to meet industrial energy demand in a secure & climate friendly way

Many industrial companies are striving for a more sustainable energy supply. While this is undoubtedly one of the most important tasks of our time, it poses many challenges, as the various industrial applications differ enormously in their needs. Therefore, different technology options need to be used to meet them, while also considering availability, feasibility, and sustainability. For example, increased electricity usage can support decarbonisation. However is might not be suitable for all applications.

No One-Size-Fits-All-Solution

Obviously, the energy transition requires customised solutions for companies and industrial process. But how are these to be found if an energy strategy is not part of a company’s core business? Against the background of this complexity, companies are actively seeking out advice and assistance. This is where the experience of utilities like Uniper in the energy market and their expertise in energy generation can be of great benefit for businesses. Uniper helps companies that are putting their energy strategy to the test to follow their decarbonisation path and, on this basis, to examine and evaluate various options, such as renewable energy sources, energy storage and more energy technologies.

But even with the support by this expertise, the question of financing remains – as in addition to expertise and patience, the energy transition requires significant investment. Here again companies like Uniper can help identifying funding opportunities, implementing, and operating low-carbon or carbon-free energy systems together with industry. Thus enabling industrial companies to meet their energy demand climate friendly and securely. > More information

Author: Martin Damerius is Director Site & Asset Transformation, Industrial Customer Solutions, at Uniper.