Denmark – Calls have been made by the Danish Energy Agency, Evida, and Energinet to stakeholders in the hydrogen and power-to-X (PtX) industries to start a market conversation about their interest in and need for hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark.

The chance to build and manage hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark as well as investigate the viability of linking a hydrogen grid in Jutland with the German system was awarded to Energinet and Evida.

To assist the operators in preparing for hydrogen infrastructure, businesses and enterprises planning to produce or utilize hydrogen have been encouraged to respond to a survey by September 12, 2022.

The PtX agreement allows Energinet and Evida the opportunity to own and operate hydrogen infrastructure, and the market conversation will assist Energinet and Evida in getting ready for a hydrogen infrastructure, at least until the final roles are defined.

Green fuels hub

In recent years, both Power-to-X (PtX) and hydrogen have experienced significant growth in Denmark and abroad. The path for the development of green fuels in Denmark is established by the broadly based political PtX agreement of March 15, 2022. The agreement aims to further the development of green fuels and make Denmark a hub for the production and export of green power and green fuels in Northern Europe.

PtX players may benefit significantly from hydrogen infrastructure in the form of flexibility and access to bigger markets, including exports to Germany.

A Danish PtX industry and extensive hydrogen production will naturally be primarily focused on creating green fuels to replace fossil fuels in industries that are challenging to electrify. But as we move toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy system, hydrogen production also lays the path for seasonal energy storage, which might support Denmark’s security of supply.