United Kingdom – RenewableUK is hosting a launch event in London for the Floating Offshore Wind Task Force, which will bring together industry leaders, senior government officials, and other key stakeholders.

The Task Force will ensure that the United Kingdom remains at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology, resulting in the creation of thousands of new jobs and billions in private investment.

The Task Force was established through collaboration between RenewableUK and the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, as well as the UK, Scottish, and Welsh governments. It will include senior representatives from the UK and devolved governments, as well as key stakeholder organizations such as The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland, who are operating and developing floating projects across the UK.


The UK is a global leader in floating wind, with two projects (Hywind and Kincardine) generating revenue in Scottish waters and the world’s largest floating wind pipeline (over 26GW). The Task Force’s vision is to ensure that the UK reaps the full benefits of this burgeoning industry by capturing significant market share not only in the UK but also globally by exporting technology and expertise.

The Task Force’s initial mission will be to define the enormous scope of opportunity for the industry and to produce a comprehensive report on how to take advantage of it in two stages. The first stage, which is expected to be completed in the autumn, will examine how quickly new capacity can be built in UK waters and quantify the potential investment required in UK ports and infrastructure to meet demand. Next spring, a more detailed set of recommendations will be released.