Italy – Capstone Green Energy Corporation’s distributor in Italy, IBT Connecting Energies GmbH, has received orders for two waste-to-energy projects in Sardinia.

Three C65 microturbines will be installed at Acciona Agua’s wastewater treatment plants in Alghero and Cagliari, Italy. In December 2022, the microturbine systems are expected to be operational.

The microturbines will run cleanly and efficiently on biogas, or “green waste,” produced on-site from municipal solid waste once they are commissioned. A customized heat recovery module (HRM), advanced gas treatment, compressors, and SCADA control panels will also be included in the new cogeneration plants. The configuration, when combined, will allow plant operators to use waste fuel for on-site power generation.

First of a kind

The microturbines will generate electricity and hot water for the customer’s wastewater treatment facilities as part of a combined heat and power (CHP) application. The initiatives are the first of their kind in the Italian region of Sardinia.

Microturbine-based CHP is a great fit for wastewater treatment plants. To generate electric power or combined heat and power, the most common renewables projects use digester methane. By utilizing waste methane, a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide, these installations can provide quick payback from utility power and natural gas savings. Furthermore, surplus renewable electricity could be sold to the electric utility.