United Kingdom – Danish Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), on behalf of its CI IV fund, and Bute Energy have agreed an investment in Bute’s portfolio of onshore wind and solar projects, some of which have battery energy storage systems attached, currently being constructed in Wales.

Various stages of development are represented by the portfolio, with the first projects expected to begin construction in 2024. By 2030, the combined installed capacity of onshore wind farms, solar PV projects, and co-located battery energy storage systems could be over 2,000 MW, helping the Welsh government meet its renewable energy targets and the UK government achieve its net-zero carbon goals.

Economic impact

As part of the planning process for major developments in Wales, there will be extensive engagement and consultation with stakeholders and local communities. The projects are expected to bring in a large amount of money and have a significant impact on the local and regional economy. However, CIP’s expertise in large-scale renewable energy project procurement and financing will continue to be utilized by Bute.