Finland Joensuu Biocoal Oy, Taaleri’s investment site, is building a bioindustrial plant in Joensuu, Finland, that produces torrefied biomass.

Cement and steel industries use torrefied biomass instead of coal, for example. About €20 million has been invested in the project.

Plant start up in 2023

The construction work of the bioindustrial plant is planned to begin in spring 2022, and the plant is expected to start in mid-2023. In the Biotie (Bio road) area, the plant located on the plot of the Savon Voima Oyj electric and thermal power station plans to produce 60,000 tonnes of biomass per year. The plant uses forest industry and forestry side streams as raw material, mainly wood bark and first thinning cordon. 250,000 cubic meters of raw material are used every year. There is a growing demand for torrefied biomass in the cement and steel industries, in addition biochar is seen to have opportunities for soil improvement and water treatment.

Development of new applications for torrefied biomass

a joint biomass acquisition company has already been set up by the parties to increase and secure the future supply of raw materials As an additional measure of support for the new venture, a cooperation group was formed. Luke, UEF, KAUAS, and Business Joensuu Oy are all members of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) consortium. The aim of the group is to diversely develop material competence based on biochar, identify new uses for torrefied biomass and biochar, as well as to accelerate product development in companies.