Ireland According to a new report published by Wind Energy Ireland, green hydrogen produced from renewable electricity can play an important role in Ireland’s transition to a net-zero society, boost the economy, and make energy supply more secure.

Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions (GDG) wrote Hydrogen and Wind Energy – The Role of Green Hydrogen in Ireland’s Energy Transition on behalf of Wind Energy Ireland, with assistance from Green Tech Skillnet.

It demonstrates how Ireland’s abundant wind energy resources can be used to generate massive amounts of green hydrogen, which can be used to reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels, which caused significant spikes in electricity prices in the second half of 2021.

Hydrogen use for lower emissions

The report also explains how green hydrogen has emerged as a leading option for lowering emissions in difficult-to-decarbonize sectors of the economy such as industry and transportation. It can also be used to generate electricity when there isn’t enough wind or solar energy.

The report outlines several key reasons why Ireland should encourage the development of green hydrogen, including:

  • Emissions reduction: Green hydrogen enables Ireland to reduce emissions in harder-to-decarbonise sectors, better utilising our vast renewable potential, and even creating new industries, such as green fertiliser production, with benefits for the carbon footprint of the agri-food sector.
  • Energy security: Green hydrogen can enable Ireland to meet a greater share of its energy requirements using indigenous renewables. This will reduce imports, increase our energy security, and reduce reliance on complex and often sensitive supply chains.
  • Job creation: A sustainable and competitive hydrogen industry could create up to 600 jobs by 2030 and a further 1,200 jobs in related employment.
  • System-level benefits: Used to provide electricity, green hydrogen can provide flexible, on-demand, power.