Finland Enefit Green has decided to invest in a 72-megawatt wind farm in Tolpanvaara, Finland.

The project is part of Enefit Green’s previously announced near-term project pipeline, which aims to more than double the company’s installed power generation capacity to 1,100 MW by 2025.

The Tolpanvaara wind farm is expected to be operational by the end of 2023, generating approximately 250 GWh of electricity per year. This equates to about 76,000 Estonian households’ average annual consumption.

The wind farm’s total investment is expected to be 82.9 million EUR. The construction agreement is currently being finalized, and work will begin in the first quarter of 2022. Nordex will be the one to deliver the wind turbines.

Enefit Green has signed a long-term power purchase agreement with Tolpanvaara that covers 60% of the farm’s expected production for the first seven years.

In 2020, Enefit Green purchased the Tolpanvaara project from Metsähallitus, the Finnish state forest management company.